Lease Extension

Lease Extension

The Board of Governors of Häme Student Nation (Hämäläis-Osakunta) Housing is empowered to extend the contract in accordance with its discretion. In order to be considered for such an extension, you need to submit an application in writing to the Board of Governors of Hämäläis-Osakunta Housing. The preconditions for the granting of an extension are as follows: If the tenancy contract has been concluded for one person (shared accommodation, one-room flats), then that person is required to be a full –time student and a member of Hämläis-Osakunta. If the tenancy contract has been concluded for two persons (family flats), then at least the other of the two is required to be a full-time student and a member of Hämläis-Osakunta.

The Häme Students Foundation will send an announcement that concerns expiry date in good time. If the resident doesn´t remember when the lease is coming to an end, please contact Häme Students Foundation by e-mail:

The applicants will be informed of the Board’s decision in writing following each meeting. Only written applications will be accepted. This means that emails, telephone calls and oral presentation made at The Häme Students Foundation office will not be accepted. Applications must be sent to address: The Häme Students Foundation, Urho Kekkosen katu 4 F 00100 Helsinki.

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